
Saturday, December 20, 2014

My Current Favorite iPhone Apps

Greetings from a very sick blogger. I've been in bed sick now for two full days, and that obviously means I've been rotating between my phone, iPad, and laptop, depending on which one has the most battery at the moment. Being sick in bed is never fun, but some of my favorite iPhone apps have been helping me not feel so miserable. I thought now would be the perfect time to share my current favorite apps, because I've literally been rotating through them all for two days now.

1. Trivia Crack

My boyfriend told me about this app a few days ago, and I'm officially hooked. Just like the title, it's like crack. This game is so fun, but also really challenging. It basically is a head-to-head trivia game that you can play with your Facebook friends, or with a random opponent. You spin a wheel, which lands on a trivia category (Art, Entertainment, Science, History, Sports, or Geography). If you answer three questions correctly from these categories, you can play to win a badge of the category of your choice. The player who gets all 6 badges first wins. It is really fun, simple, but like I said, not easy. I've been playing this like crazy with my friends back and forth, and could barely get my notifications to stay at 0 to take a screen shot of my apps!

2. aa

The name of this app doesn't make much sense, but I have been hooked all day today. It is a silly little game, that takes a little skill, and can get pretty frustrating. There isn't much to it, you tap the screen to add a dot up into the rotating puzzle, but it can get pretty challenging. It is a free download, so you should just try this one out for yourself. I'm a little embarrassed to say I'm at level 25, and I downloaded it this morning. BUT, to my defense I've literally been in bed all day.

3. Instagram

The obvious, Instagram. I have always loved Instagram. I currently am trying to decide between merging my blog Instagram and my personal Instagram. I always forget to log out of my personal account and go post on my blog account, so I might just merge them into one. What do you think? I pretty much love to follow other beauty bloggers, fitness inspiration, home decor inspiration, bloggers in general, business and company accounts, and foodie blogs!

4. Pinterest

This is another obvious one for me. I've been addicted to Pinterest for a while now. I remember my mom showed me this app a few years ago and I thought it sounded so dumb, but once it really took off I realized how amazing it is. The majority of my blog views come from Pinterest, so I love to spend a lot of time here. I have a lot of boards of yummy recipes, style inspiration, home decor, and party planning ideas. Feel free to follow me!

5. Bloglovin'

I'm a blogger, obviously. One of the most unique thing about being a blogger, is the relationship you have with other bloggers. Bloglovin' is an app that basically puts all the blogs you follow into an Instagram feed. You can scroll through the feed and see all of the new posts for the day, you can click on the picture and it will take you to the website to read the post, or you can scroll on by. Blog's are a tough thing to follow and keep up with unless you follow the blogger on Instagram and Facebook and see that they posted a new blog post. Bloglovin' is my favorite way of keeping up when my favorite bloggers post something new. Feel free to follow me on there and see when I post something new!

6. Audible

Audible is an app which you can listen to audio books on. I love to read a normal book, and I never thought I would like listening to them, but it is really convenient! Audible is a subscription service, which you pay for monthly, and you receive a credit, which you can use on any book in the store. Also, if you choose to do more than one book a month, they are at a reduced rate for your second book once you've used your credit. I just finished "Big, Little Secrets" and I loved it. I listened to it in my car on the way home from work everyday, and I was surprised on how much I enjoyed an audio book!

7. Flipp

With the holidays literally around the corner, I still have some last minute shopping to do. I, in general, like to find good deals on things I'm planning on buying, but especially around the holidays. Flipp is an app that rounds up all of the weekly circulars from different stores into an app. Whether you are trying to track down the best deal on an electronic, or simply look at deals at your nearest grocery store, Flipp makes it easy to locate all of the good deals in one place, if you don't receive the weekly paper with the circulars included. This is also great to have with you in the store so you know what is on a good deal, and might not be advertised as on sale!

8. Buzz Feed

Buzz Feed has always been one of my favorite 'time wasting' websites, and when I discovered they had an app, "time wasting" went to a whole new level. I love the app, I can quickly scroll through all of their stories. Some are funny, some are stupid, and some are legit current news. I love their quizzes, which usually result in some form of ridiculous answer, but they are always fun anyways!

Well, there you have it, my current favorite iPhone apps! What are yours? When I upgraded my phone, I chose to go with the 64g option, and I'm NOWHERE even near to halfway full, so I would love to try out some new apps! I love pretty much anything. Leave your favorites down below!

As always, thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Compiling list of favorite iPhone apps seems to be never ending task. The play store is equipped with thousands of apps in various categories that creates excitement, provide wealth of information, helps you keep track of health, and lot more. I am here to share one of my favorite iPhone app Game it which is well known among iOS fan. It is built on incredibly useful concepts, offers gaming and shopping experience at one platform. You can select a product like clothes, toys, home appliances etc. and crack the trivia event with most accurate answers. It gives a chance to win 100% discount on the prize.
