
Monday, December 29, 2014

January Goals

Happy Monday!

Today at work, I typed 12/29/2014 multiple times. It is the freaking end of the year. It sounds so cliche, but where did the year go?! I feel like it was just my birthday in July, or that I just graduated college in May? It is seriously so crazy how fast this year is gone.

With that, comes the disappointing realization that there goes another year that I didn't stick with my new years resolutions. It sucks and is embarrassing, but I'm writing this here because I can ensure I'm not the only one who SUCKS at keeping my new years resolutions. Like many other women, my goals usually revolve around health and fitness, and just bettering myself overall.

This year, I am going to try something completely different. I am going to make three small goals per month. Ideally, the goals would roll over to the following month, so I don't just stop working on my goals when February starts, but I'm hoping this will be successful for me. Usually, when January 1st comes around, I say I want to "lose weight". Then January 15th rolls around, and I haven't stepped foot in a gym, or improved my eating habits AT ALL. It is because I'm setting too broad of a goal, and I'm not giving myself even a chance to accomplish it because it isn't an overnight thing.

This year, instead of one huge goal, I'm going to work on three smaller goals per month. I am sharing my monthly goals here, because once you publish something it truly helps you stay accountable. So here you have it, my three REALISTIC monthly goals for January.

1. No Starbucks!

I have a confession, I'm literally addicted to Starbucks. I truly mean "literally" there, I feel like I need it everyday, and it is becoming a problem. I do need a cup of coffee in the mornings, but I definitely don't need a White Chocolate Mocha, that is way too many calories, and around $5 a day. I live right down the road from Starbucks, and also work right down the road from Starbucks, which definitely doesn't help my case.

I am going to try to not have Starbucks at all during January. I will still allow myself to have a cup of coffee at home with creamer if I want, but I am more or less just trying to stop Starbucks. It is too expensive, and when I go there I choose a very unhealthy drink, when in reality I truly like just regular coffee with a little creamer at home. I am hoping that once January is over, that I won't crave Starbucks anymore, and I can truly realize that I don't need it. I might still allow myself a coffee every once in a while from Starbucks, but we will see about that;)

2. Exercise More! 

Here is where I always, always, always fail. I put way too big of a goal on it, and I never stick to it. I tell myself I need to go 7 days a week, and the first day I miss, quickly becomes the last time I ever go. I am going to start off January with setting a goal of going to the gym 3 days a week. I am hoping I will want to go more than this once I start going again, but I am not setting that as my goal.

I am going to be very subtle at first, not setting a time limit, or type of exercise that I need to do. I simply am setting a goal of going TO the gym three days a week. In accordance to this goal, it doesn't matter if I stay 10 minutes or 2 hours, I just am setting a goal to make an effort at least three times a week. I truly love working out, so I know that I will love being there once I get there, but the problem is just getting there. Does anyone else have this problem!?

3. Post 2 Blog Posts Per Week! 

I have a lot of fun things planned for my blog for the new year. I have been stunned with the response I have gotten with my blog since starting it, and I really want to take it to the next level. I don't have a set schedule for posting, some weeks I post 3-4 times, and some weeks I only post once. Ideally, I would like to post three times a week, but I have to make my goals attainable or they might not get reached. Two posts a week is still a stretch for me, I am a full time graduate student, and have a full time job as well, but I love my blog and really want to add great content twice a week. I am planning on Wednesday's and Sunday's for posts, but that part is very tentative.

If you have any requests or ideas for what you would like to see here on the blog, please leave it down below, because as you can see, I am wanting to start posting more!

Well, there are my goals for January 2015. I am hoping I can stick to all three of these goals. I will be extremely proud of myself if I can, especially cutting out Starbucks. It sound so silly, but I think that might be my toughest one. I would love to create a habit of getting used to going to the gym, and am definitely looking forward to the money I will save by not getting Starbucks daily.

I am hoping that formatting my goals this way will prove to be successful for me. At the end of January, I will come back and recap how I did at these goals, and whether I was successful, as well as plan my goals for February. Hopefully these three things will carry over to February, and I can add on a few more attainable goals.

As always, thanks for reading!


  1. I like your tactic of monthly goals, makes perfect sense. I am a Starbucks lover too!
    Have a great New Year.

  2. I am hoping it makes perfect sense while I'm actually attempting to achieve the goal! haha! Thanks for stopping by Melissa! : )

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