
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Get to Know Me : Jaimie from Glitter with Grace

Hey everyone! So today's post is totally different. It is a "Get to Know Me" post. I see a lot of my favorite bloggers doing posts like these so their readers can get to know them on a personal level, so I thought I would do the same. Hopefully you enjoy getting to know me a little better! :) This is a mix of personal questions and beauty questions. If you have any additional questions for me, leave them in the comments! Here we go...

1. Are you named after anyone? 
I don't believe so.

2. When was the last time you cried?
My boyfriend left to go to South Korea for six weeks, I think that was cry-worthy! Other than that, I don't cry much! Update: I wrote this post a few days ago, and as of today I cried when I slammed my fingers in my car door. I'm pretty good with pain so that's a good rule of thumb of how bad it hurt!!!

3. Do you have kids?

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
I thought this question was funny, but my answer is yes. I'm a very honest friend and always tell it like it is, and I would definitely want a person like that in my circle of friends. (How do you answer this without sounding snobby?!) Haha!

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Uhm, yes. Anyone who knows me can back that statement up!

6. Will you ever bungee-jump?
When I was younger I went on the I-5 Sky Dive bungee jump ride, and honestly I don't even remember it (my camp counselors took me on it without my Mom's permission, oops) I don't think I would now though, but it would depend on the distance, and where it was at and all of those conditions. Probably not though, I'm a wimp ;)

7. What's your favorite cereal?
Cinnamon toast crunch :)

8. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Posture and body language! I have taken a lot of classes that go into depth about what certain body languages mean and I definitely look at how a person carries themselves before even really paying attention to their certain features.

9. What is your eye color?
Brown, boring brown.

10. Scary movie or Happy endings? 
This is hard for me. 9 times out of 10 I would probably say happy endings, because I like funny movies. Although, I do love a good scary movie! I have a love-hate relationship with scary movies, so I would go with happy endings!

11. Favorite Smells?
Anything lemon, or fruity. I also like coconut/paradise scents, but I don't like anything floral! On the more savory side, I like cinnamon and pumpkin smells for Fall!

12. Summer or Winter?
FALL. ;) Okay I cheated here, if I had to choose I would choose winter. I am not a fan of the heat (I know) and I like layering clothes and darker colors and accessories. I love colder weather and don't mind the rain or snow so I have a soft spot for fall especially, but also love winter.

13. Computer or Television?
Computer for sure

14. What's the furthest you've ever been from home? 
Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Which really isn't too far from my home in Washington.

15. Do you have any special talents? 
Uhm, haha. I'd like to think I'm really creative, got that from my momma. I can write really pretty letters/words. I love to golf, if that is a talent. Last but not least, I'm an insane shopper. Call it what you want, but that HAS to be a talent. I can spot a sale from a mile away and can always tweak multiple coupons to get what I want at the best price ;))

16. Where were you born?

17. What are your hobbies?
Blogging, cooking and baking, reading, shopping, golfing, and playing games with family and friends.

18. Do you have any pets?
I don't have any pets personally, but my family has two dogs!

19. Favorite movie?
I could probably make a huge list, but some are... Never Been Kissed, The Sweetest Thing, Mean Girls, Blue Crush, Baby Mama, pretty much anything funny! I'm pretty simple to please in the movie department.

20. Do you have any siblings? 
Yes indeed, I have two older sisters, Taylor and Jena. I'm the baby.

21. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I wan't to be happy, I wan't to be an amazing wife and an amazing mother. Career wise I am headed to Grad School soon to get my Masters in School Counseling to be an Elementary School Counselor :) I basically just want to help children get equal love and care regardless of their circumstances. Wherever that lands me I will be perfectly happy.

22. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
My hair is naturally straight, but I still straighten it if I want it to be straight that day. It is pretty frizzy and thick on its own so I like it to be sleeker if I'm like actually doing my hair.

23. What is your natural hair color?
Brown. I'll let you in on a little secret though, I'm lightening it up next week!! So scared!

24. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
Kinda both. My sister went to beauty school so my "normal" dye job is just going a few shades darker and richer, she does that at home for me since she isn't currently working in a salon. As for lightening it up next week, I'm going to a salon.

25. Do you wear the same makeup/hair everyday or do you change it?
Change it always. I have my "everyday" looks, but when time allows I love to experiment and try new things!

26. Do you do your own mani/pedis? 
I do my own manicures always, but I can't stand painting my toes. I get pedicures at the salon.

27. How long does it take for you to put on your makeup?
I can have a full face of makeup on in like 6-7 minutes, I've really perfected that. Like I said above, I truly love getting ready and trying new things so if the time allows I can take up to like 30 minutes or so really taking my time and trying new things.

28. Do you collect makeup or just buy it when you need it?
I don't purposefully "collect" makeup, but I don't wait until I'm completely out of something to buy a new one. I'll buy whatever sticks out to me or whatever is new so that often lands me with multiples of a certain type of products. I wouldn't say I collect it though.

29. Will you leave the house without makeup?
Yeah for sure. If it is just running some errands around town then I don't need to put makeup on, that is a waste. If I am actually going to do something then I get ready. I have just always believed that you should put yourself together before going in public. My opinion :)

30. How many "high end" products do you own?
I would say I own equal parts of drugstore makeup and high end makeup. I'm not going to go count each and every product but its pretty equal.

31. How old are you?
I'm 21, I'll be 22 in a few weeks!

32. How tall are you?
About 5'8"

33. Do you speak a foreign language?
Unfortunately no, I took Spanish in high school but don't remember anything. I know a good amount of sign language, but I don't think I know enough to hold an actual conversation.

34. How often are you on your blog?
Well I'm relatively new to blogging, but I check it daily to see if there are any comments to respond to and to check my stats. I try to post every few days. I haven't put a "schedule" on my posting yet, I don't feel like I need to. I am on it daily, but post every few days.

35. Do you read the comments?
Of course, and I always reply! Comment more people, makes me happy :))

36. Do you keep a list of products you want to try?
Yes I do....  Embarrassing, but like I said I'm a product junkie and love to try new products. Whenever I come across something on another blog or YouTube channel that I want to try I add it to a list on my phone. That way I can keep an eye out for sales.

37. How did you come up with your blog name?
I have an Etsy shop called Glitter with Grace. I came up with that because I just wanted a shop name that was easy to spell, pronounce, and remember. I wanted something "girly" in the title because I make headbands and girly things. Glitter with Grace just means "girly but classy" to me. : )

38. What kind of camera do you use?
I have used my iPhone 5 for all of my pictures on my blog thus far. I just ordered a Nikon though so hopefully photos will get a lot better!

39. What's your favorite color?
I like really neutral colors. Black, white, gray, cream, brown. Army green/forrest green is one of my favorite colors ever though.

40. Biggest pet peeves?
HA! That could be an entire blog post on it's own. The majority of my pet peeves surround around food. When my foods touch, using the same fork for multiple foods, watching others eat, watching others drink off a clear glass, opening someones fridge and seeing a ton of old food. Pretty much I get really grossed out by all foods, I've been that way since I was young. Fun Fact : I used a plate that had a separator on it until I was like 15. Ha!!

Okay, well that is the "Get to know me" post. I hope you enjoyed getting to know me on a more personal level! If you have a blog I'd love to see you answer these questions on your blog! I know that I can connect a lot better with a blogger when I feel like I know them on a personal level, so hopefully this helped!

Question of the Day: Tell me something about yourself! Pick one question from this post and leave your answer down below, I'd love to get to know my readers better!! 

As always, thanks for reading!
xoxo, Jaimie


  1. always love a good get to know you post! you really discover so much about people!
