
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Dry Shampoo : Everything You Need to Know!

There's nothing worse than sleeping through your alarm only to find that you have 15 minutes before you have to head out the door and you need to shampoo your hair! Greasy hair can be a total damper on a day and no matter how you choose to style your hair, it is still going to look greasy. Well, that is where dry shampoo comes into play! Today I'm going to go over all of the basics, and some tips and tricks for using dry shampoo.

1. First, make sure your hair is dry
This might sound like a no-brainer to some of you that have experience with dry shampoo, but I wanted to clarify that first for those of you who have never tried a dry shampoo. It is exactly what it sounds like, a dry shampoo. It is to be applied onto dry hair, and it actually will only work on dry hair.

2. Know your distance
Dry shampoo comes in an aerosol can like a hairspray would. Keeping your distance from your scalp is going to be extremely important to achieving what you're looking for. 6 inches away from the scalp is a good place to start, but most brands will let you know an appropriate distance in their directions on the can. Spraying the product too close to the scalp will disperse too much product in such a specific spot that you will get build up, and it will be really hard to disperse that product throughout your hair.

3. Section your hair
For maximum results, you need to section out your hair a few times. If you were to just do a general spray over your hair as if you were spraying hair spray, it isn't going to perform like it is meant to. I pick up random sections of my hair and spray the scalp of that section that is exposed. I make sure to get around the frame of my face, my crown, and the bottom side of my hair by my neck. I use a pretty affordable dry shampoo so I can afford to get a little heavy handed. I really just spray it all over, but mainly focusing on the scalp.

4. Let it sit 
After you spray the product throughout your hair where you feel you need oil absorbed, it will probably look a little crazy. Dry shampoo is essentially powder in a can so it has a white appearance and your scalp/hair will probably look white or gray. Don't be alarmed, that is a good thing! For maximum results, you will want to let your hair sit for 5 minutes or so. This is going to allow that "powder" to absorb the oil before you start messing with it.

5. Disperse the product
After you've let it sit for a few minutes, it is time to rub it in. The best way to do this is using your fingers, NOT your fingernails. Using the balls of your fingers to really massage the scalp is going to rub this product into your scalp and disperse it throughout the rest of your head. It is okay to get a little rough and really kind of "scratch" your head without using your nails. The reason you don't want to use your nails is because that is just going to scratch out the product and actually make you look like you have dandruff.

6. Style as preferred
After you have really rubbed it into your scalp and all of the white-ness had disappeared, you're good to go! You should be able to style as normal, or throw it up, and it should look clean and ready to go! If you only have a little oil control that you are needing then you can style your hair first, see where you need some help, and then apply dry shampoo. It is all trial and error but I just prefer to apply it first when I know I need it.

7. Experiment
If you went through all of these steps and still feel like your hair looked a little too greasy, or if throughout the day you noticed your hair returning to its natural state, then you might need to try a different brand. There are SO many different brands that offer dry shampoo and they all perform differently. I have tried so many and I've found the one that works for me, but that same one isn't going to work for everyone. I have thick hair, so in order to clean that up, I need a heavy-duty dry shampoo. If you have extremely fine hair, then a light weight dry shampoo might work better. It is all up to the specific person and their hair type.

I hope you enjoyed these tips and tricks for using dry shampoo! I don't know how I ever went without dry shampoo, it is a total life saver! If you want to know the specific one that I prefer then you can check out my hair care essentials here. This post has really made me want to just start making videos to accompany my blog posts because some of these "techniques" are really hard to translate into words! Ha! Do you have a holy grail dry shampoo that I should try? Also, do you have a tip or trick that you have learned in your experience with dry shampoo? I'd love to hear, leave it down below in the comments!

As always, thanks for reading
xoxo, Jaimie

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