I graduated college almost two months ago, and I miss it. I never thought I'd say that because when I was reaching my final months I was "so ready to be done with this", but now that it is over I realize how amazing those years of my life were. Today I rounded up 10 things that I would tell someone heading off to college. Take this as you'd like, because everyone's college experience is totally different. Hope you enjoy the 10 things I learned at college.
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1. Just because you're short on cash doesn't mean you have to be short on memories. Most college towns offer so many free activities. If that isn't an option, I can promise you that some of my most memorable nights from college were just me and some girlfriends just driving around or sitting around. Also, hit up those student discounts because you can often plan a fun girls night out or a date night on a stack of student coupons! Here are some student discounts I found online!
2. Don't be creeped out when people try to talk to you randomly. I was really overwhelmed at first when I went off to college with how many people would just sit down next to you and ask your name and where you are from. I thought they either were extremely weird and had no friends, or they were trying to kidnap me (yeah, I really thught that...) I was used to being from a small town where everyone knew everyone, so this all felt very awkward to me. The only way you can make those "college friends" is if you let your guard down and give everyone a chance.
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Except for when people like this sit down next to you... Then you have every right to be creeped out. |
3. Go to class... Really, probably the best advice I can give to anybody going off to college. So many of my professors on the first day of class will say "If you come to class and just listen to the things I say, you shouldn't have any problem earning a B in the course at least". My college released a statistic once that based off our tuition, skipping just ONE class amounted to throwing $50 out of the window. If you aren't a morning person, try not to sign up for 8am classes. Get up and go to class, every week has a weekend. If you went too hard the night before, grab a gatorade and some Tylenol and get. to. class. Oh and added bonus, a lot of my professors will give extra credit on a day that nobody shows up, like the Tuesday after a 4 day weekend, or the Friday before a big break, so if you're always in class then you will literally be getting free points because of other people's laziness. score.
4. Your network is your net worth. I heard this quote about halfway through my Senior year and it is so true. Your opportunities after college will open up by who you know and who knows you. Don't be afraid to join clubs and organizations that work together with bigger companies in the field that you are interested in. Communications and networks matter so much more than your GPA or your score on that Geology 101 test last week (puke). Obviously it is important to maintain strong grades because that is how your network is bonded by them knowing you're a strong student and would be beneficial in the work force. While that being said, I've heard multiple bloggers, friends, people, say that nobody ever asked them for their college GPA.
5. Along with #4, don't be afraid to go to your professors office hours to ask questions or even just check in. You will need those letters of recommendations relationships after college and a college professor is a strong relationship that you will be thankful for one day.
6. Create a budget. Regardless of how much money is in your piggy bank when you head off to college, it will all be drained out, very....very...very...fast. Even if you are thinking "I'm in the dorms I don't have to pay rent and bills this doesn't apply". Oh yes it does. Parking fees, concession stands at the football games, going to dinner with your friends, buying a new pair of shoes, HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, bottled water on campus, Starbucks to survive, and so many more things. One huge thing I wish I would have done was created a budget so I knew what I had for groceries, social activities, personal spending, and bills (if you have them).
7. Staying organized is so important. Little papers and assignments will sneak up on you before you know it so staying on top of things is really helpful. I am a huge procrastinator and honestly I'm better at writing a paper the night before instead of three weeks before (don't judge me).
Here are a few things I do (I love being organized, feel free to choose one if you're normal)...
- I use the "stickies" app on my Macbook and keep a sticky note on my desktop with however many days can fit onto it. Usually around two weeks, this is where I put almost everything like work shifts, personal stuff, school assignments, and bills. I open my computer multiple times a day so this was my #1 way of never forgetting something. Plus, it's really liberating to delete an assignment once you're done with it.
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This is an instagram picture from a year ago, but this is how I do my "sticky". |
- Buy a planner. Usually universities hand out free planners at the beginning of the year, but if not you can find cheap ones at Walmart or Target or whatever store is closest. I swear by Lilly Pulitzer agendas, they are so cute that you will want to use them, and they are formatted the way that I prefer my planners to be laid out.
- Set alarms on your phone. If you have a paper due by midnight set an alarm at like noon to remind yourself that it needs to be happening sooner than later. Again, you are probably on your phone way more than you would be opening a planner so this one is pretty simple to do.
- Hang your syllabi on the wall where it will be visible. This actually is something that one of my friends always did and this is what worked for him so I thought I'd include it. He hangs all of his syllabi on the wall above his computer and when he wakes up in the morning he would just go to them and check what they were doing that day or what he needed to bring to class.
- Organize your notes. Whether you respond best to writing your notes or typing your notes, there is a way that will work for everyone. Note taking really is a process of elimination and seeing what works best for you. I respond best to color coding and organized information. If my paper looks like a hot mess, trying to learn it is going to be a hot mess.
8. Stay true to yourself and you'll come out on top. College is a different experience for everyone, so don't feel like you have to act like the college girls in movies, or like you have to act like the perfect small town girl that everyone knows you as. This is the time to, yes, "find yourself". You will meet so many new people and possibly grow closer, or further apart, to people you knew from home. If you don't want to drink, then don't. If somebody is pressuring you and can't understand where you're coming from then they honestly aren't a real friend. It is okay to do things that scare you or that you wouldn't ever do before but just stay true to the person you want to be.
9. Don't give up on hometown relationships. Stay loyal to the friends you've had since childhood and give them the same attention that you are giving your new, fun college friends. College isn't an excuse to forget about the people who helped you through your hard times in high school or even earlier, so if you want to make it work, you will make it work. Communication is key so staying in touch with your friends at home will help you stay grounded and realize what is important at the end of the day.
10. Most importantly, have fun. Honestly, it goes by really fast. Everyone says that about every experience, but I graduated college over a month ago and I am still in shock with how quick it all went by. Senior year especially went by really quick, so just keep that in mind. Getting good grades and sticking with school is SO important, but having fun is just as important. Don't take your college experience for granted because you will miss it when it is all over. I am forever bonded with a college as an Alumni and I will forever have so much pride for a specific school. GO COUGS
Hopefully you guys enjoyed a little more of a personal post on my blog. I've had my blog for two months now and have mainly stuck to beauty reviews and haven't shared much into my life. If you want any more posts like this, just let me know. If you are getting ready to head off to college, enjoy it and have the time of your life! Hopefully these tips eased your mind a little bit and gave you insight on what to expect. Like I said, everyones experience is so different so take this however you'd like to.
As always, thanks for reading
xoxo, Jaimie
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