
Monday, January 18, 2016

2016 | Creating Happiness

The new year is always the perfect time to reflect on the things going on in your life, and make changes for the better. This year, I decided to forego the traditional resolutions that I always make, and just make a general commitment for this year. I am in such a great place mentally and emotionally, that I just want to continue that throughout this year and not let anything get in the way of that. With that being said, there are some things I'm introducing into my life that is helping me stay in a positive mindset, manage my stress, and be the best me that I can be. Today I thought I'd share some of my new favorite things that are helping kick my year off to a positive, happy start.

This instant happy journal is the epitome of what I'm trying to accomplish this year. I am trying to have more gratitude for every day that I am given, and reflect back on my own strengths and build my own confidence. This book has daily prompts to help you reflect on your current feelings and build your own "instant happiness". You can find your copy of this book here. I think this would make an extremely great gift for a friend, or also a fun gift for yourself. I've had similar books to this that already have dates built into the book, and I ended up forgetting to write in it some days, and then just gave up because I got behind. The good thing about this specific journal is that there aren't any dates built in, so you can go at your own pace, or even jump around from page to page if you wish.

One more book that I just finished up and LOVED was The Emotional Edge. It was a really powerful book about finding your inner strengths, and turning your fears into courage. I struggle a lot with irrational fears and anxiety, and this book really helped me work through some of those challenges and re frame my mindset. I have already recommended this book to a few friends and colleagues, and I definitely recommend you check it out! You can find it on Amazon here.

Another thing that I've been trying lately is meditation. I know, I know, it sounds a little crazy. I have always thought about meditation as something that is way beyond my lifestyle, and totally not necessary. I struggle with a lot of anxious feelings at night time, and often have an extremely hard time falling asleep and shutting my brain off. I have been meditating at night for a little over two weeks now, and I've never slept better or fallen asleep faster! I have been using the app Stop, Breathe, & Think and I highly recommend it. You "check in" with your current feelings of that day, and then it generates 3-4 options for you to choose from. Most meditations are around 5-7 minutes, which is perfect. I know it is a little weird, but it honestly has been a huge game changer in ending my day on a positive note. You can learn more about this specific app here, or you can download it in the app store.

This year is already off to an amazing start (other than the fact that I spent this weekend with the stomach flu) and I can't wait to start introducing more things every month that help me stay extra positive, thankful, and motivated to have the best year ever. Do you guys have any specific things you do to remove negative energy/people/things out of your life? Share below.

As always, thanks for reading.
xoxo, Jaimie

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