
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My Month in 5 Photos | December 2015

2015 is over people. I can't believe it, but I've never been more excited for a new year to start. I believe the next year is going to bring a lot of change into my life, and I am looking forward to it! I will be graduating from graduate school, hopefully getting my first big girl job and starting my dream career! I'm here today to round up my month in 5 photos, per the usual. 

1. I had the opportunity to volunteer at a toy-drive with a friend and it was so inspiring! We helped the day before the actual event and just helped set things up. The photos below are just two rooms out of multiple rooms of items for families in need to have for the holidays. It was amazing seeing how many items were donated to families in need, and it really helps put things in perspective! 

My grad school cohort went to this place after class that is called the Family Fun Center, which is basically where I belong. I hit the jackpot on this monopoly machine and it took about 10 minutes for all 1,000 tickets to print out! It started to get embarrassing as I just stood there waiting and kids walked by looking like they wanted to cry. It was a great time, with great friends! 

My work had its annual christmas party, which was simultaneously a goodbye party for one of my close friends! I am lucky to have a few great friends which I work with, and unfortunately my closest work friend (I call him my work husband!!) is moving on to another career path and I'm sad to see him go! I obviously wish him all the best, and know he will succeed in anything he goes! It was a good excuse for some good drinks with good people though!

Santa brought this chick some new cowboy boots! I was so happy. I've been line dancing with my friend Lauren since this summer pretty consistently, so I wanted a nicer pair of boots since my current boots were extremely cheap! Santa brought both of us some new boots, and we got to break them in this past weekend! Mine are the ones on the right, the picture doesn't do them justice, they are SO sparkly in person!

I also started redecorating my bathroom this month. Once I got the shower curtain below for christmas, I immediately started getting black/white/gold items for the bathroom. I thankfully discovered gold spray paint which helped me transform some mason jars, and my shower curtain hooks to a perfect gold. I hung up a gold canvas and the room was immediately more my style! 

Did you do anything fun this month? Leave a comment below with your favorite memory from December! I can't wait for the new year, and I hope to bring these types of posts monthly.

As always, thanks for reading.
xoxo, Jaimie. 

1 comment:

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