
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Prom Essentials | What You Really Need

Prom is right around the corner for a lot of you, how exciting. It has been quite a few years since I went to prom, but I thought I would share some things that I remember being really helpful having on me on prom night! For this special post, here is a throwback picture for you, oh the animal print obsession I had...

So most of you girls will probably be bringing a clutch to prom, which is usually for looks, but you might as well make it practical and bring things that are actually going to come in handy on Prom night.

1. Blotting Sheets

Even if you don't have oily skin, you might experience a little bit of oiliness on prom night. You will probably be wearing more makeup than normal, taking a lot of photos, cramming into a limo with a lot of people, and really excited. All of those things might add up to a little bit of oil and sweat peaking through your makeup. Blotting sheets can be really helpful because with a quick dab on your oily spots, it will soak up the oil without removing your makeup. This would be really helpful right before photos.

2. Floss 

I would recommend throwing a few floss pics (is that what they are called?) in your clutch. After you eat dinner, you will probably head back to the school for some photos. You will want to take a quick trip into the bathroom to make sure you don't have any food in your teeth, and if you do, a little floss will do the trick.

3. Bobby Pins

It won't hurt at all to throw 4-5 bobby pins in your clutch. Whether you are wearing your hair up in a fancy do, or down and casual, they might come in handy. I wore my hair half up to my prom, and about halfway through the night it started to fall down. Being able to pin back some loose pieces will be sure that you are comfortable and not messing with your hair all night.

4. Gum

This is a no brainer! I remember on my prom night, I had a garlic alfredo at the restaurant we went to. I was begging all of my friends to see who had a piece of gum in their clutch. It would be safe to bring a pack with you, in case you need it, or your friends do!

5. Deodrant/Perfume

There is a lot of sweat involved during prom night, and there's no way around it. Packing a mini travel size deodorant might be nice, or at least a little perfume spray to touch up throughout the night.

6. Makeup for Touchups

Depending on your makeup maintenance, it might be smart to throw a few small things in the bag. For me, I would make sure to pack some bronzer, and a lip gloss. The blotting sheets can help with the oiliness, and sometimes bronzer is the first to fade away if you are sweating/getting oily. I'd recommend going simple with the lips, and not to wear anything that is too high maintenance. Your lip color will probably wear off between leaving for prom, and eating dinner. I would recommend a simple gloss that you can reapply without a mirror or too much attention.

7. Bandaids

This isn't absolutely essential, but if you are wearing a pair of heels that you aren't used to, it might be smart to pack a few bandaids for blisters. I ended up wearing flip flops to prom because I didn't want to deal with the blisters.

8. Tide To-Go Pen

This doesn't take up much space so if you have one around the house, it might be smart to throw in. Especially if you are wearing a white, or light colored dress.

The OCD in me wants to think of two more things so that it can be a perfect 10 items, but I really just wanted to talk about the essentials. If you throw these eight things in your bag, you should be good to go! I vividly remember needing blotting sheets, lip gloss, bobby pins, and gum. The rest of the things are items that I wish I would have brought.

If you are attending prom this year, have fun and be safe. Dance the night away, and have a blast!

As always, thanks for reading.
xoxo, Jaimie.

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