
Monday, February 2, 2015

February Goals & January Update

If you remember, on January 1st I posted a blog post all about my plans for 2015, and the goals that follow with a new year. I decided not to do a "new years resolution" this year, and to do monthly goals. I'm going to quickly update how I did on those goals, and set my goals for February. Check out the post here if you want to read more into my goals in detail.

January Goal Update:

Quit Starbucks : SUCCESS. I went all month without Starbucks. I am going to roll this one over to February, it has saved me money and calories and I would like to continue with this great habit I've made NOT to stop there daily! I still have had a cup of regular coffee at home, but I am going to continue not going to Starbucks. I am proud that I did this one, as silly as it sounds. 

Gym Three Days a Week : semi-success. The first half of the month, I rocked this goal. It was a really great number that I made it and felt good about it weekly. I was going about 4 days a week actually, but it was way better then before when I wasn't going at all. Toward the end of the month, I had a lot going on. School assignments, hard drive on my computer crashed, and I found out that I was going to be on Wheel of Fortune (blog post coming). Toward the end of the month I kind of let this goal slip by, which is why I'm going to continue it for February, not increasing it at all, since I didn't completely succeed at this. 

Blog Post Twice a Week : Also, semi-success. The hard drive on my computer crashed a few weeks ago and my beloved Macbook has been at the doctors. I finally have it back, and will continue this goal as well, I think twice a week is a really nice balance of posts here. I did as good as I could with this goal though, until my computer decided to blow up. 

February Goals : 

1. Hit the Gym Three Days a Week! 
This goal might sound familiar, it's because it is. I didn't quite succeed at this the entire month so I'm going to set it again for myself and start fresh. My sister has actually mentioned that she wants to start going 5 days a week, so I'll most likely start going with her, but I will keep my actual goal at 3 days a week. *I actually just got home from the gym, woohoo!! 

2. Eat Lunch at Home 4 days a week!
I live in a town with A LOT of restaurants and fast food nearby. I live about two minutes away from work, so I usually go home for lunch. Lately, I have been really lazy about grocery shopping, and I've been picking up some lunch somewhere at then bringing it home. I am going to go grocery shopping either tonight or tomorrow, and aim to eat lunch at home everyday. It will save me a lot of money, and be much healthier. I set my goal at 4 days a week, so that I have at least one day (out of a work week) that if I have to run some errands anywhere I can pick something up and not feel guilty about it. 

3. Drink a gallon of water daily!
I drink quite a bit of water, but lately I've really been slacking. I've been craving sugary drinks (maybe because I quit Starbucks) and I've been opting for Gatorade or Juice before water lately, which is totally not like me. This month I really want to work on my water intake, and eliminate all other beverages (other than my morning cup of coffee, I don't know if I could ever give that up.

Those are my three goals for the month. Upping my water intake, staying consistent with hitting the gym three days a week, and work on staying home for lunch more. All three of these things will make me feel better, and also help me save up some money, which are my overall goals for the year.

How are your resolutions going so far!?

As always, thanks for reading

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