
Sunday, November 23, 2014


It has been such a busy month for me, and if you happened to notice, I took a week off of blogging. To get back into the swing of things, here is what is happening in my life...currently...

Currently Watching:
The AMA's! I love awards shows, my boyfriend thinks they are so dumb, but I just can't get enough of them! And yes, I will have a best/worst dressed post up soon just like I did for the MTV Music Video Awards back in August! Some other shows that I'm currently watching are Survivor, Cutthroat Kitchen, Kourtney and Khloe take the Hamptons, and The Vampire Diaries! : )

Currently Reading: 
I am listening to Big Little Lies on currently. I am a little over halfway through. I am still not too sure what I think about it, it hasn't really picked up for me yet, it has been pretty one dimensional. I know that something big happens in the book, so I'm hoping that happens soon and that it picks up. Also, speaking of books (kinda), I saw the movie Gone Girl and I was so impressed with how similar it was to the book! I seriously can't rave enough how much I love her writing, I am going to read Dark Spaces and Sharp Objects after I finish my current book!

Currently Smelling: 
Limenello by Bath and Body Works. It is such a light clean scent, and I'm about halfway through it. I also went back to using the wallflowers from BBW, and they are so amazing! I have Tis' The Season  going in mine (my favorite BBW scent EVER).

Currently Looking Forward to:
The holidays! I just wrapped up my first two courses of Grad School (hence why I have taken a week off of blogging). I get a week off of school, and then I have two more weeks of school, and then two more weeks off! I am looking forward to making some christmas candy with my mom, being able to spend time with family, and start off a new year!

Currently Working On:
Blog scheduling! I am contemplating really bumping up my blog schedule once the new year kicks off, posting more throughout the week, and having a few "theme days" during the week. I am a big planner, so I have to be able to visualize that I can handle all of these posts before I commit to it ;)

Currently Listening To:
I have been loving country still. "Mean To Me" by Brett Eldridge, is my jam right now.

Currently Wanting: 
To chop my hair off! Let me know what you guys think. I'm super scared, but I am getting a little sick of my long hair.

Currently Feeling: 
Content. I am really starting to fall into the swing of my life lately. I am working full time, with grad school on the weekends. When I started grad school, two years seemed like such a long time. There is 8 quarters of school, and I'm already two weeks away from finishing my first quarter. I have a long ways to go, but thinking of the end goal has me so excited.

What's happening in your life currently? ...


  1. omg my hair is getting so long too and i want to cut it, but i want to dye it first. im thinking maybe ombre, so if i don't like it, at least i can cut it and still have enough hair left over :)

    1. I did ombre a while ago and I loved it!! And yes, when you want to chop off the color you will still have a good chunk of hair left over. good luck :))
