
Friday, September 5, 2014


Happy Friday to all of my amazing readers!

I just wanted to get a quick post up to let you all know that I am heading out tomorrow for Vacation! I'm heading to Maui tomorrow and won't return until Saturday, September 13th. This will mean no new blog posts for the week. Hopefully this doesn't disappoint anybody too much, but it will be nice to have a break from reality for a week ;)

I wan't to give you all a little teaser of what to expect when I return.
- All about my trip to Maui
- August Favorites
- August Bulu Box (health and fitness subscription box)
- Ipsy vs. Birchbox for September
- Book Review (2!!)
- Skin Care Essentials

Can't wait to return to my little corner on the web, but also extremely excited for 7 days in the sun with my best friend!

Talk to you all soon,
xoxo, Jaimie :)

1 comment:

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