
Wednesday, August 27, 2014


It's been a pretty busy week for me, so I figured I would write a quick post wrapping up everything that is happening currently.

Currently Watching:
Big Brother! This season has worked out to be one of my favorite seasons with the new twist of having 2 HOH's! It is really coming down to the wire. I think I have officially decided that I'm rooting for Derrick, he is playing such a good game without being a total scumbag. Who are you rooting for? And if you don't watch BB, you seriously need to start.

Currently Reading: 
I'm actually reading two books right now, which is really unlike me. I'm reading The Fault in our Stars, which is taking me a while to get through. Cancer is really sensitive subject for me, and I know this book gets extremely sad, so I think I'm subconsciously putting off finishing it. I have a 5 hour flight next week though, so hoping to finish it then! I'm also reading "Is Everyone Hanging out Without Me?" by Mindy Kahling, it's pretty funny so far, and definitely an easy read! I should be wrapping up my reviews of both books within the next few weeks, did you catch my previous "Recently Read" post? You can check it out here. 

Currently Smelling: 
Pink Apple Punch by Bath and Body Works, soooo good, and currently 50% off. I'm on my last day of burning for this one, so I'm looking forward to burning Pumpkin Cinnamon Bun next :)

Currently Looking Forward to:
I'm heading to HAWAII in just 10 days. I am so excited, I've never been to Hawaii and I'm definitely thrilled to be marking this off of my travel bucket list. I'm going with my best friend, and I know we are going to have an amazing week of relaxation, sunshine, and lots of girl talk! (really what more can you ask for?)

Currently Working On:
My application for Graduate School! Such a crazy feeling, but I'm officially applying for grad school. I'm taking it slow and starting with only applying to schools that would be realistic for me to attend right now, and if those don't pan out, then I will start exploring deeper options. If I got accepted into my top choice, I would be starting in January. I have never been so passionate about heading back to school, I think that is a hint that I'm truly pursuing what I love!

Currently Listening To:
A lot of country lately, there is something about driving in the sunshine listening to some great country! I've been loving pretty much anything that comes on the Today's Country station on Pandora. I've been especially listening to "Follow your Arrow" by Kasey Musgraves on repeat.

Currently Wanting: 
A Michael Kors Selma bag.... need I say more?

Currently wanting to say:
Thank you all :) I've been at this blogging journey for four months now, and it's been so fun! I'm now a contributor for Lucky Magazine, and have already met so many lovely ladies who also share the same passion for blogging as I now do. I truly love my little website where I can share my thoughts and opinions, and I love when I can see how many people are viewing my posts and interacting with them. It is so fun for me, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here :)

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