
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Bite Beauty Agave Lip Mask - Review

Today's review is going to be all about a lip product! 

It is a Lip Mask - yes I know, that sounds unusual. But...its amazing
It is called the Agave Lip Mask and it is from the brand 
Bite Beauty

So I have seen a lot of hype going around about this lip mask, and I had to give it a try. I have always suffered from really dry lips, and I tend to lick them quite a bit. I love trying new chapsticks and new lip products so this was right up my alley. It runs you $26.00 at Sephora, which is a hefty price tag, but I can say right now that I do believe it is worth it.

How To Use?
The website says you can wear this overnight or during the day. I use mine overnight, and I apply it right before I go to bed. It is very thick and "goopy" so I definitely wouldn't wear this during the day. I apply a very generous amount, it leaves my lips looking like I have some type of medicine on them, but in all reality, that is kind of what this product is! 

Does It Work?
I have to say, this absolutely works. It leaves my lips hydrated throughout the night, which is really hard for me because I sleep with a fan blowing right on my face, and I am also a dreaded mouth breather, which usually dries my lips out really badly during my 8 hours of beauty sleep.

When I wake up in the morning, they definitely aren't as moisturized as when I went to sleep, but I do believe that it stays on really nice even with my fan blowing directly on my face!! The best way to help this work even better, is to make sure you are applying a good lip balm throughout the day so that at night, your lips are still pretty moisturized and this can keep them amazing instead of having to repair cracked lips every night. 

Any Complaints?
Nope! There really isn't any complaints for me here. If I had to choose something, I would love for this type of product to be in an applicator that didn't require me to use my finger and get it all sticky, but with how thick this product is, it would be almost impossible. A complaint that I saw a lot in the Sephora reviews was that the packaging is hard to get product out but I didn't find that at all. The package is filled as full as it can get (adds to its value!!) so I just suggest treating it like a tube of toothpaste and pushing from the end of the tube first to ensure you're getting all of the product! 

Should You Buy It?
That part is totally up to you. It is $26.00 so it isn't a cheap product, but I do believe it is unlike anything I've used before.. For reference, some of the lip treatments I have used are 
-Kiss Me Goodnight by Philosophy
-Lip Butters by The Body Shop
- Mojito Overnight Balm by Malin+Goetz

The other really popular one that I haven't tried is the Dior Creme De Rose lip balm but I will be trying that soon to see how it compares! I do believe it is a unique and amazing product though. I have been using it for about two weeks now every night and my lips feel great! I will probably be repurchasing this when it runs out. I can only imagine that will be a long time from now though because a little bit of this goes a long way and the packaging is super full! 

Well, that is all I can cover on this product for today. If you have any questions that I didn't cover, feel free to leave a comment down below and I will get back to you! 

Thanks for Reading! 

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